Overall Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship Program Benefits
Annual Sponsorships begin on January 1st and run the full calendar year providing your company greater visibility, recognition, and access to the membership. Access is direct through our electronic newsletter, Shady Notes which is distributed every other month, and with additional email blasts as needed. Sponsors are invited to submit articles or banner ads to be featured in our Shady Notes newsletter. We also showcase out sponsors on our website and during events throughout the year, including our Annual Winter Seminar, Arborist Day, Spring Pest Walk, and Fall Safety Day.
Please review the sponsorship options and choose the level that best represents your company. Our sponsorship benefits page is linked below for your convenience.
Below, please find all of the information your company needs to help support the MAA through sponsorship.
Click here for 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities
Below, please find all of the information your company needs to help support the MAA through sponsorship.
Click here for 2023 Sponsorship Opportunities
If you have any questions regarding the MAA and its sponsorship program, please do not hesitate to contact the MAA office at 410-928-4888 or office@mdarborist.com.